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Report by B&TPC and Advice from ESDC

The Chair of the Parish Council submitted a report to SCC and ESDC regarding the recent flooding in Bramfield.  The report can be found by clicking this link

It is strongly advised that anyone affected by the flooding should report it to SCC via this link: Report Flooding

Here is a link to the Flood Recovery Grant Scheme

An update from ESDC is below:


Storm Babet Funding Update

East Suffolk Council is working closely with Suffolk County and the other Suffolk District and Borough Councils, to deliver funding from the Government’s Flood Recovery Framework as soon as practically possible, while ensuring it is compliant with the eligibility criteria laid down by the Government.


Letters have now been sent via post / email to over 100 properties impacted by the flooding and who have been deemed eligible for support against the criteria set by Government.

This will cover the DLUHC Community Recovery Grant (£500) and Council Tax Discount (100% relief for 3 months min and 100% on temp accommodation if displaced).

As the lead Flood Authority, and with overall responsibility for the payment scheme, the County Council have undertaken eligibility checks - and East Suffolk is now able to begin processing claims.

The letter asks residents impacted by Storm Babet to complete a simple online form to apply for financial support. For those who are unable to access the form in this way, or need assistance completing it, details of the support provided by our Customer Services Team have also been included.

Payments will then be made in due course, around a couple of days after the details are captured and verified. If residents have been displaced from their primary residence and/or are in temporary accommodation for three months or more, we will work with ARP to process another Council Tax discount claim.



The process has been more complicated on the business side and is taking longer. This scheme covers the Department for Housing, Levelling Up and Communities (DLUHC) Business Rates Relief Grant (100% for 3 months) and the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) Business Recovery Grant (£2,500 per business).

For simplicity, and to ensure businesses didn’t have to complete multiple applications, we took the decision to combine both support offers in one form. Unfortunately, however, there were inconsistencies between the eligibility criteria for each scheme which have now been resolved.

 Additionally, while we received the DHULC information in early November, the complete package of guidance for DBT grant was only received last week. There are also more stringent Data Protection and Fraud compliance requirements to address before processing can begin. Indeed, DBT themselves have been issuing further clarifications this week.

 Businesses will now be contacted directly and asked to complete a more detailed application form which completes checks required by the scheme(s). Anglia Revenues Partnership (ARP) will be undertaking visits next week to begin the process of confirming eligibility.


DEFRA - Property Flood Resilience Repair Grant Scheme

SCC in their capacity as Lead Local Flood Authority are gearing up to administer the considerable additional work associated to this scheme which offers up to £5,000 towards a range of resilience works to residents and organisations meeting the scheme criteria. SCC as LLFA is also working in conjunction with the EA to manage an unprecedented level of Section 19 Flood Investigations that are now required to be carried out across the County, without any additional funding assistance being offered to fund this task as yet.